If you’re struggling with stubborn ear wax that’s causing hearing loss, tinnitus, balance issues, or infections, MedAssistant can help. Our Glasgow clinic offers safe and effective micro suction services for ear wax removal to restore your ear health. Plus, our appointments are convenient and available in a timely manner. Let us help you regain your full hearing potential and improve your overall ear health.
Micro suction earwax removal uses a vacuum to gently remove any excess wax from your ears. It’s one of the most effective and safest methods for cleaning your ears and is carried out by one of trained healthcare professionals. Using a microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, our trained physicians can remove ear wax without introducing any materials or liquids into your ear. This procedure is well tolerated by most people and provides fast results. With the aid of the microscope, our doctors can clearly see the structures inside your ear, ensuring the safety of the procedure. Overall, micro suction is a superior method compared to traditional wax removal techniques.
Using the latest technology we use a micro suction vacuum to gently remove any excess wax from your ears
We find using a micro suction vacuum the safest and most painless method to remove build up of ear wax
Using ear drops can help loosen up the ear wax however it is not required and you can get treatment straight away
Our primary focus is always putting patients first
Providing exemplary first class care at all times
Professional and responsive customer service
Easy to book appointment 7 days a week
While your body naturally cleans your ears and routine earwax removal is usually not necessary, excessive earwax production can cause hearing problems. If you’re experiencing issues with your ear health, it’s important to get it checked out. The frequency of earwax removal varies from person to person and depends on your individual case. If you have concerns about the amount of earwax you are producing or want to learn more about ear cleaning, you can contact us to discuss. If excess earwax is not removed, it can lead to impacted earwax and cause symptoms such as ear pain, a feeling of fullness in the ear, or a cough. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible
117 Saltmarket
G1 5LF
Telephone: 0141 255 2681